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[ 권한 및 시노님 ] 시스템공통으로 사용할 패키지에 대한 권한 및 시노님을 부여합니다.

by 태백성 2024. 4. 12.
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- sqlplus / as sysdba
-- alter sessioin set container=NDB;
-- grant all on sys.dbms_crypto to bsys;

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
conn bcom/1234@ndb;
-- 시노님 생성
create or replace synonym sys_log_api      for bsys.sys_log_api;
create or replace synonym sys_country_api  for bsys.sys_country_api;
create or replace synonym sys_profile_api  for bsys.sys_profile_api;

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
conn bhrm/1234@ndb;
-- 시노님 생성
create or replace synonym sys_log_api      for bsys.sys_log_api;
create or replace synonym sys_country_api  for bsys.sys_country_api;
create or replace synonym sys_profile_api  for bsys.sys_profile_api;

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
conn system/built123$@ndb;
-- 역할 생성
grant execute, debug on bsys.sys_log_api      to bcom with grant option;
grant execute, debug on bsys.sys_log_api      to bhrm with grant option;

grant execute, debug on bsys.sys_country_api  to bcom with grant option;
grant execute, debug on bsys.sys_country_api  to bhrm with grant option;

grant execute, debug on bsys.sys_profile_api  to bcom with grant option;
grant execute, debug on bsys.sys_profile_api  to bhrm with grant option;