-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- [ 인사관리 ] 임직원기본 테이블 생성
conn system/built123$@ndb;
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-- 테이블 생성
drop table bhrm.hrm_employee_basic cascade constraints;
create table bhrm.hrm_employee_basic
emp_id number not null
,group_hire_date date not null
,annual_date date not null
,retirement_date date not null
,retirement_pension_date date
,mid_adjustment_date date
,marital_status_cd varchar2(50) default 'U' not null
,wedding_date date
,work_place_cd varchar2(50)
,create_date timestamp default systimestamp
,create_by varchar2(50) default '-1'
,update_date timestamp default systimestamp
,update_by varchar2(50) default '-1'
) tablespace bdb_data;
-- 테이블 설명
comment on table bhrm.hrm_employee_basic is '[인사관리] 임직원기본';
comment on column bhrm.hrm_employee_basic.emp_id is '임직원ID';
comment on column bhrm.hrm_employee_basic.group_hire_date is '그룹입사일자';
comment on column bhrm.hrm_employee_basic.annual_date is '연차기산일자';
comment on column bhrm.hrm_employee_basic.retirement_date is '퇴직금기산일자';
comment on column bhrm.hrm_employee_basic.retirement_pension_date is '퇴직연금일자';
comment on column bhrm.hrm_employee_basic.mid_adjustment_date is '중도정산일자';
comment on column bhrm.hrm_employee_basic.marital_status_cd is '결혼코드';
comment on column bhrm.hrm_employee_basic.wedding_date is '결혼기념일자';
comment on column bhrm.hrm_employee_basic.work_place_cd is '근무지코드';
comment on column bhrm.hrm_employee_basic.create_date is '생성일시';
comment on column bhrm.hrm_employee_basic.create_by is '생성자';
comment on column bhrm.hrm_employee_basic.update_date is '수정일시';
comment on column bhrm.hrm_employee_basic.update_by is '수정자';
-- primary 인덱스
alter table bhrm.hrm_employee_basic add constraint hrm_employee_basic_pk primary key (emp_id) using index tablespace bdb_idx;
-- 권한부여
grant select, insert, update, delete on bhrm.hrm_employee_basic to bsys with grant option;
grant select, insert, update, delete on bhrm.hrm_employee_basic to bcom with grant option;
-- 시노님 생성
conn bsys/1234@ndb;
create or replace synonym hrm_employee_basic for bhrm.hrm_employee_basic;
conn bcom/1234@ndb;
create or replace synonym hrm_employee_basic for bhrm.hrm_employee_basic;
'오라클 > 테이블(인사관리)' 카테고리의 다른 글
[ 발령 ] 테이블 생성을 아래와 같이 진행합니다. (0) | 2024.04.12 |
[ 임직원 ] 테이블 생성을 아래와 같이 진행합니다. (0) | 2024.04.12 |
[ 조직도상세 ] 테이블 생성을 아래와 같이 진행합니다. (0) | 2024.04.12 |
[ 조직도 ] 테이블 생성을 아래와 같이 진행합니다. (0) | 2024.04.12 |
[ 사업장 ] 테이블 생성을 아래와 같이 진행합니다. (0) | 2024.04.12 |